TRIGGRER CONSTRUCTION LTDTRIG于2012年在卑诗省温哥华市成立,是一家专业的建筑施工和项目管理公司。在土地开发和建筑施工方面有十分丰富的经验,已成功完成了许多住宅建筑和商业装修项目,并在温哥华,本拿比和列治文成功开发了许多住宅项目。本公司拥有领先的建筑理念和成熟的建筑管理经验,聚集优秀的设计师和施工队伍,向我们的客户提供一流的设计服务。我们的目标是通过我们丰富的资源,为您打造理想的家园,给广大客户提供优质的服务。客户至上是我们一贯的标准。
TRIG Founded in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2012, TRIG is a professional building construction and project management company. Extensive experience in land development and building construction, has successfully completed many residential construction and commercial renovation projects, and successfully developed many residential projects in Vancouver, Burnaby and Richmond. The company has a leading architectural concept and mature construction management experience, gathers excellent designers and construction teams, and provides first-class design services to our customers. Our goal is to create an ideal home for you through our rich resources and provide our customers with high-quality services. Customer first is our consistent standard.